Why I Prefer to Work with Webflow (Part 2)

John Zapido
August 19, 2024


  • Webflow's drag-and-drop interface and design-to-development synergy boost web creation speed and quality.
  • Mimicking CSS behaviour, Webflow ensures a seamless user experience across diverse devices.
  • Accessible marketplace templates empower quick website development, catering to users with varying skill levels.
  • Webflow's plugin-free approach and efficient development process simplify collaboration, eliminating common maintenance headaches.
  • A thriving Webflow community fosters rapid problem-solving, shared expertise, and inspiration, making it an invaluable resource for users of all backgrounds.

It’s Faster To Create Websites

Efficient Design Workflow

Visual Design Tools

Utilising Webflow’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface

What we love about Webflow is that they levelled up the game in terms of web design and development efficiency.

It seems like everything has been studied, and the Webflow team made sure that they patterned the model of previous design applications and combined it with modern development practices, programming languages, and HTML and CSS.

We’ve tried different drag-and-drop builders before, none of which came close to Webflow’s UI.

Responsive Design Features

Streamlining the process of designing for various devices

Responsive features are no strangers to website builders. That said, the responsiveness features of Webflow are above par with those of its competitors.

What we love about it is that it mimics how CSS works. It “cascades” down from desktop to mobile.

Ensuring consistent user experience across different screen sizes

Say you are designing in desktop view (1280px) and you are trying to change something in the tablet version. When you change an element’s style in the tablet version, it will not affect the desktop since the desktop is in a higher viewport.

For more information on this, we suggest going to Webflow University and finding their educational resources on responsiveness there.

Our thoughts on desktop first design

In the future, we’d love to see the option to design “Mobile-first”. This means that all the design styles would respect the mobile version and not vice-versa, just as it is now.

Many of the users today are on mobile, so it would make sense if this option or feature were added.

Seamless responsive design that cascades effortlessly from desktop to mobile, ensuring a consistent user experience across devices. 

Time-saving Templates

Nowadays, you don’t need to be a highly skilled web developer to build your websites.

Fortunately, there are dozens of templates to choose from in the Webflow marketplace that you could use.

Business owners in need of a quick website will benefit from this. For a more customised approach, though, business owners must consider the benefits of hiring an agency or a team of skilled individuals dedicated to taking the load off their plates.

Creating visually appealing layouts without coding

Just like what we mentioned in Part 1, Webflow is for everyone—business owners, citizen developers, freelancers, or maybe hobbyists. It does so because of the stunning visual interface that will greet you once you use it.

Webflow, again, is a combination of Photoshop and a development tool. We get offended when people try to compare it with other drag-and-drop builders. Trust us, it is not! 🙂

Rapid Prototyping with Webflow

In our team, there are two types of people who develop our website. The first one is someone who designs first in an external design tool such as Figma, Photoshop, or Illustrator and then develops in Webflow.

The other type is the one who develops straight into Webflow.

We think that both methods are great. We do have to consider that Webflow could be used as a rapid prototyping tool.

Teams could iterate on designs to go through the process of test-design-repeat.

There have been success stories of UX/UI or product design teams using Webflow as their main tool for testing ideas, sending them to the test subjects, and then iterating on the changes.

Streamlined Development Process

For us, a streamlined development process is one where we can collaborate with clients and at the same time design, build, and make changes.

On multiple occasions, we had a discovery call with the client, and then we built the website from the ground up.

We then sent the website staging link to the client. The client commented on the changes (usually a back-and-forth communication), and once everything was okay for both parties, we launched the website on its own domain. The website is now live, and everybody is happy.

We just hated dealing with “plugin debt.”

Just like technology debt and a related topic, Webflow enables developers to rid themselves of their dependence on plugins to dress up their websites.

On other platforms, there are native builders once you use the platform as a default. But unless you want a bare-bones structure of the website, you either have to build the site through code or dress it up with themes, install plugins for those themes, install plugins again for another slider feature that you want, and the list goes on.

You even have to install plugins if you want to create CMS collections on most platforms.

Native Features and Functionality

In Webflow, you have the option to build your site from scratch visually or buy a template to kickstart your project and just customise accordingly.

Everything is native in Webflow, so you don’t have to go out of the designer window and to the themes page again and again.

Simplified Maintenance and Updates

Another benefit of this is simplified maintenance. In Webflow, you don’t need to update plugins every time.

We had instances in the past where developers experiencing bugs in the Wordpress websites would literally uninstall a plugin, check if the bug was fixed, and then go back, re-install the previous plugin, and try again with another.

It is sometimes a nightmare for many developers.

No more bloated websites

Clean and Lightweight Code

When you use the export function to churn out the code that was used when you designed and built your site visually in Webflow, you will see that the code is clean and lightweight.

Just go to any website you know that was built in Webflow, right-click, and click "Inspect.”. It is somewhat similar to a website built manually (without any use of builders).

Compare that to other websites built on other platforms, and you will see a living mess of classes all over the place, making it seem like hieroglyphics written by people long ago.

Sometimes it feels like you are reading hieroglyphics or something

Optimised for performance and User Experience

With clean code, you will also have a nicely optimised site to use. This would entail that the site will load fast because there aren’t any necessary classes built.

A fast-loading site means a good user experience.

It has acquired the following:

Community Engagement and Support

The community blew up once people started using Webflow in the late 2010s. We were the few ones to use this platform when it was still developing.

Before, there weren’t that many features compared to today. However, we noticed that there has already been a community of developers who are transitioning from a previous way of working with CMS or hand-coding their websites from scratch.

The community support is also at par. When you hit the forums or any other community-driven platform and post your problem there, chances are someone has already experienced your problem and solved it. Responses are fast, based on our experience.

Shared Passion for Webflow

Some of the people from all walks of life, country, or creed who experienced Webflow are now community leaders in their own right.

Communities or companies, such as Finsweet, for example, have established themselves as experts who give value to Webflow users.

Webflow influencers such as Ran Segall, Nelson Abalos Jr., Jose Ocando, and Timothy Ricks also helped us and inspired us to start Webflow and take it to the next level.

The majority of top-level Webflowers and content creators have given value to the community in one way or another.

Webflow changed our agency's life

Transformative Impact on Workflow

Before, we used to design and hand-code websites from scratch. We still do, but only often. The majority of our work is in Webflow now.

The process for us is going through

  • Discovery call with the client, knowing the requirements of the website project
  • Gathering the content needed for the website
  • design through Figma or building through Webflow,
  • Iterating on changes from the client based on the staging site we sent
  • Launching the website in its domain

This, of course, is not a linear process. However, this structure gives us space to provide value to our clients as quickly as possible.

Real-world Agency Success Stories

Using the structure, we have spent countless hours working with the Webflow platform and providing stunning, modern, fast, and optimised websites.

Currently, we work with B2B businesses that want a professional website done by a team of highly skilled individuals.

Contact us if you want a professional webflow designer and developer to build a website for you and your business!


In embracing Webflow for website creation, we find an ecosystem defined by efficiency, creativity, and community strength.

From its intuitive design tools to its excellence in responsive design and the convenience of templates, Webflow accelerates the web development process.

Streamlined workflows, devoid of plugin hassles, highlight its commitment to user-friendly experiences. Moreover, the robust community surrounding Webflow serves as a testament to its impact, fostering collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and inspiring success stories.

Webflow isn't just a platform; it's a transformative force shaping the way we approach and succeed in the dynamic world of web design and development.

Versatility Across All Platforms

  b2b websites blends technical excellence with creative collaboration. Let’s help you bring your  website to life with the precision and efficiency that only seasoned professionals can provide.
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