Proscore is a sports memorabilia and Rugby League tipping e-commerce site. They came to B2B with an out-of-date website and a Web Shop that didn't work properly. Their new site, while a technical difficulty owing to the old site structure, now looks and functions as a contemporary e-commerce company should.
Client Overview
Case Study :
Sports memorabilia and Rugby League tipping e-commerce site - Proscore Sports
Client :
Proscore Sports
Services Provided:


  • Outdated Website: ProScore’s website was built on WordPress and had not been updated for 8-9 years. The site was outdated, prone to errors, and had become difficult to manage, leading to what was described as a "Jenga problem" where small changes risked causing larger issues.
  • Budget Constraints: The client had limited budget availability, which required a cost-effective solution that maximized impact without extensive back-end redevelopment.
  • E-commerce Functionality: The existing online shop was not functioning efficiently, negatively impacting sales and user experience. Enhancing both the aesthetics and the e-commerce functionality was crucial.


  • Frontend Revamp: The initial approach was to focus on improving the website’s visual appeal without altering the backend significantly. This included redesigning the user interface to make it more modern and visually appealing.
  • Complete Rebuild: Midway through the project, the decision was made to address the e-commerce challenges by rebuilding the site entirely in WordPress. The new site was designed to be both beautiful and functional, ensuring a smooth and efficient shopping experience.
  • Optimized WordPress and WooCommerce Integration: The site was restructured with careful attention to the various plugins and extensions that had accumulated over time. This included streamlining and updating these elements to ensure compatibility and smooth operation.
  • Comprehensive Service Suite: The project included a range of services such as B2B and B2C functionalities, eCommerce through WooCommerce, lead generation, and information dissemination. These services were tailored to meet the specific needs of ProScore’s business model.


  • Improved Traffic: After the revamp, ProScore's website saw a significant increase in traffic, jumping from 100 monthly visitors to 300, effectively tripling their audience.
  • Enhanced User Experience: The new website provided a vastly improved user experience, with a more appealing design and a fully functional e-commerce platform, which contributed to increased customer satisfaction and engagement.
  • SEO and Ranking Impact: Initially, the site’s ranking improved, contributing to the traffic boost. However, after the client switched to a cheaper internet service provider, there was a notable decline in rankings, underscoring the importance of ongoing investment in quality web hosting and maintenance.
  • Long-Term Considerations: This case demonstrated the critical need for consistent attention to website maintenance and the potential pitfalls of opting for lower-cost service providers. The initial success was tied closely to the quality of the services and infrastructure supporting the site.